Aim, tasks


The Institute of Policy and Governance initiated its activity in 2015. It was launched thanks to the initiative of Victoria Vdovychenko, alumni of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine (MFA of Ukraine), participant of the Professional Fellows Programs (US State Department).

The Institute provides educative, cultural and enlightening activity, projects on effective and innovative governance. The Institute’s team is composed of the experts from politics, advocacy, governance, diplomacy and international relations.

One of the first Institute’s projects was entitled "School of Good Governance: Advocacy". It became the only Ukrainian project chosen and rewarded by the Expert Commission of the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund from the United States.


Ukraine, which is open to dialogue with the world, harmonized within its boundaries, socially balanced and economically developed


Our mission is to create and provide an efficient environment for the exchange of ideas  and to strengthen civic activeness, in order to elaborate effective governance mechanisms as a prerequisite towards quality changes in and by the state of Ukraine


Our goal is to provide educative, cultural and enlightening activity for the establishment and development of democratic civil society in Ukraine


We appreciate and value socially active, committed and progressive people inspired by the idea of effective synergy of the state and society

We strive to:

  • share the best Ukrainian practices on civic initiatives worldwide with the world;
  • contribution to the formation of more positive image of Ukraine at the international level
  • conduct organizational and educative, informative and enlightening activity aimed at overcoming societal challenges;
  • ensure  realization of programs and projects on effective and innovative governance with regard to the best international practices;
  • encourage  meaningful and targeted civic participation in public policy decision-making processes, dialogue and active cooperation/interactions with the governmental institutions