Think UA

Project “THINK UA” is intended to provide an assessment of the events taking place in Ukraine and the world by young and already professional experts.
With our short expert comments, we want to remind Ukrainians what kind of political power its citizens should have in Ukraine and whether we really know everything about it. Moreover, our young professionals will provide us with their opinions and vision about what kind of steps should be done in order to foster and support democratic changes in Ukraine by young people.
The aim of the Project is to coordinate various categories of experts. The main focus should remain on young professionals who would like to engage and amplify the voice of Ukrainian society. In voicing community challenges, we don’t want to limit our activities to exclusively negative examples. We would like to also demonstrate positive examples from our experts of effective reforms conduct.
Our target audience: stakeholders, decision-makers, Ukrainian and international politicians, journalists, economists and other parties concerned
Subjects of comments “THINK UA”
Regarding Ukraine: Implementation of reforms in Ukraine and the peculiarities of the political system of Ukraine; The economic situation; Information Challenges and Response "hybrid warfare"; The integration of Ukraine into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions.
Regarding international policy: Economic challenges; Challenges of European and international security; EU, USA, Middle East.
In order to join the team of experts of the Institute of Policy and Governance, you need to fill in the form.
By means of our IPG-online platform, project “THINK UA” will help to cement democratic advances in Ukraine after Maidan’s Revolution of Dignity presenting the ideas of Ukrainian youth to the world.
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us, using the following email address: